I recently was asked if there are more techniques than I reveal in my book The Wizards Guide To Energy Healing and/or the training manuals we use for the 8 levels of Magical Awakening® training. The answer is of course yes. The reason is that there are limitless ways to use this wonderful/playful form of energy healing. I could easily spend the rest of my life writing about one energy tool in Magical Awakening® and write endlessly. Also, there is the sense of pressure when producing a book or manual that you will explore everything entirely...which for this modality is impossible given the various creative options literally at the healing wizards fingertips.
Tonight as an experiment I thought why not post on my blog numerous creative options that are not explored in The Wizards Guide To Energy Healing, nor the training manuals. Lets begin then simply with the Element of Air.
At the second level of Magical Awakening® the healing wizard can access any elemental energy (earth, air, fire, water plus a 5th element called Mists of Avalon), as well as any subset of an elemental energy, as an energetic signature through their fingertips. For example, you can access the element of earth to ground someone, or access the element of earth as any specific, gemstone, crystal, power spot on the planet, anything that is made of earth in the physical sense. Hence, the options are endless. But, for this blog tonight I want to explore simply the element of air as a possibility....and please know the below healings are not intended to be a limitation, but simply a hint of the grand possibilities.
The element of air rules the mind, communication as well as sounds such as mantras, prayers, songs, animals sounds, etc. Here are some healing uses a Magical Awakening® wizard can use by accessing the element of air, which happens at the second level of Magical Awakening® training and can also be accessed through the book The Wizards Guide To Energy Healing. Use the element of air to:
1) Focus the mental body for inner peace.
2) Recreate the energy signature of the sound of ocean waves for relaxation.
3) Bring through the galdur (sacred sounds) of rune charms for healing..Uruz, Sowulo, Jera.
4) Access angelic songs to God from the heavenly realms.
5) Access the powerful Hebrew names of God as mentioned in the Kabbalah, and focus them into specific areas of the body, based on the Tree of Life.
6) Call forth the energetic signature of healing songs...from great masters such as Mozart, The Beatles, Bach and more.
7) Call in the songs of whales and/or dolphins into a healing.
8) Recreate the energetic signature of a persons true Divine name.
9) Access the energetic signature of John Coltrane's A Love Supreme to connect a person to the Divine.
10) Intend to use the element of air to replicate any invocation of healing that Merlin himself would use for the specific healing in question.
11) Access the healing power of the Diamond Sutra.
12) Access the healing power of the mantra Om Mane Padme Om.
13) Access the healing power of The Lords Prayer.
14) Access the healing power of the Charge of the Goddess.
15) Access the healing power of the Egyptian chant Sa Sekhem Sahu.
16) Access the healing strengthening power of the roar of a Lion.
17) Energetically replicate the sound of the Big Bang.
18) Bring a mental issue to the surface for intense healing.
19) Shift a person's consciousness to be more aware of their blindspots.
20) Replicate the energy signature of singing bowls.
21) Replicate the energetic signature of the sound of a mothers heart to a baby in the womb.
22) Call forth the energetic signature of a tuning fork healing.
23) Bring a person's consciousness into the eternal present moment.
24) Replicate the energetic signature of a standing ovation.
25) Awaken one to the sound of Divine laughter.
26) Work on the mental field of each cell to bring it into a place of perfect alignment with health.
27) Open channels of communication between people.
28) Open channels of communication between a person and an animal.
29) Open channels of communication between a person and plants.
30) Inspire poetry.
31) Bring a person's consciousness into an awareness of self love.
32) Connect a person's consciousness to honor the web of all life by replicating the energetic signature of the Iriquoi Thanksgiving Address.
33) Replicate the songs of the planets.
34) Intend to call forth the specific mantra or healing prayer that any avatar such as Amma, Christ, Neem Karoli Baba or other avatars might intend in for the person/people you are working on.
35) Access the healing properties of ancient forgotten languages such as Atlantian, and send those as chants. prayers for healing...you can do this even with no awareness of those languages.
36) Bring a person's consciousness to focus on their highest good.
37) Bring a persons mental body into an alpha wave or even a theta wave for deep rest.
38) Call forth the healing power of bird songs into a healing session.
39) Access the energy of healing aspects of air, such as air with incense like frankincense or sage.
40) Access the energy of a fresh breeze to clear away stale energy.
41) Bring forth the energetic signature of any positive affirmation or inspiring quote.
42) Bring a person's mental body into accepting the things they cannot change.
43) Bring a person's mental body into a meditation on courage.
44) Bring a person's mental body into a meditation on selfless service.
45) Bring a person's mental body into a meditation on gratitude.
46) Bring a person's mental body into a meditation on kindness.
47) Replicate the energetic signature of any empowering spiritual/healing text.
48) Call forth the healing sounds of unicorns and other mythological beings.
49) Manifest an intention or goal and bring it out into the universe.
50) Manifest the energetic signature of a didgeridoo playing.
51) Call forth Enochian healing invocations.
52) Deepen communication with the Faerie realm.
53) Replicate subatomic sounds to brighten a person's energy field.
54) Replicate the energetic signature of wind chimes.
55) Restore lost memories.
56) Focus the mind on a grouping of healing memories that will empower a deeper healing when noticed as a collection or through line of the person's soul purpose, like taking personal inventory in an empowering way.
57) Restore sanity of the mind through trust in the Divine.
58) Loosen areas of mental resistance to healing.
59) Expose self destructive thought patterns, then heal/release them.
60) Separate authentic mental self from old imposed voices of parents, teachers, society.
61) Experience the unique vibration of the word Love as expressed in all the worlds languages simultaneously.
62) Remember soul contracts and soul agreements between people.
63) Access the galdur of the rune charm Fehu, Inguz, Ansuz for releasing negative energy.
64) Call forth the energetic signature of the galdur of the rune Algiz for protection.
65) Focus a person's consciousness on the empty space which contains all existence.
66) Call forth the energy of any yoga sutra.
67) Clear the mind of mental clutter.
68) Unhook mental attachments that are destructive.
69) Release blocked mental energy.
70) Create new healthier pathways in the mental body.
71) Instill clearer communication between organs and organ systems.
72) Bring energetic praise to the distraught aspects of self, or any other aspect that needs it.
73) Send the energy of the phrase "I love you" to oneself within their own timeline as needed.
74) Distill a thought to its most purposeful focus.
75) Call forth and clear unwanted ancestral imprints from the mental body...such as racism, sexism, etc.
76) Bring the mental body into the dreamtime for inspiration.
77) Call forth the energetic signature of the healing sound of rain.
78) Call forth the ancient healing chants of Druids.
79) Deepen a person's communication with their anima or animus.
80) Bring about a deeper awareness of family systems and constellations.
81) Distill the personal consciousness from the consciousness of the collective.
82) Deepen communication with ones guardian angel.
83) Deepen communication with ones power animals.
84) Deepen communication with ones human spirit guides.
85) Connect with alien intelligence that is helpful.
86) Discover the best solution to a problem.
87) Deepen communication with micro-organisms.
88) Unwind your own illusions and false stories.
89) Bring the mind into a meditation on humility.
90) Bring the mind into a mediation on forgiveness.
91) Bring the mind into an awareness of the larger whole on any issue.
92) Bring the mind into an awareness of ones own needed areas of growth.
93) Bring the mind into a deeper focus on the Divine.
94) Dream bigger than you can imagine.
95) See what the universal mind wants of you.
96) Connect deeper with the intelligence of the cosmos.
97) Bring your consciousness to the edge of the earths atmosphere, then deep into outer space.
98) Combine music, poetry, affirmations and animal sounds into one energetic signature for healing a specific issue....and you can be vague and let Merlin and the universe decide which music/poems/affirmations/animal sounds to combine.
99) Bring the mind into a place of hope.
100) Bring the mind into the cosmic heart and the meaning of being a cosmic citizen.
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